Fellowship in Robotic and laparoscopic colorectal surgery at Korea University Anam Hospital, Seoul, 2015
Fellowship in advanced laparoscopic digestive surgery at Choray hospital, Vietnam, 2014
Fellowship in Digestive Surgery at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Jakarta ( 2012 - 2014 ) SpB - KBD ( Consultant of Digestive Surgeon )
General surgery resident at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Jakarta ( 2006 - 2010 ) SpB ( General Surgeon )
Maranatha Christian University Medical School, Bandung ( 1995 - 2002 ) Dr (Medical Doctor)
Honor and Awards
Digestive Surgery Trainee at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta 2012-2014
Second place: Jakarta Digestive Week free paper presentation 2012.
General Surgery Residency at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta, 2006-2010
Local recurrence after minimal invasive intersphincteric resection (2015) Advisor: Professor SH Kim (Korea University Anam Hospital, Seoul)
Single stage robotic low anterior resection (2015). Advisor: Professor SH Kim (Korea University Anam Hospital, Seoul)
Application of early ileostomy closure after low anterior resection (2013). Advisor : dr. Ibrahim Basir (Senior Consultants of Digestive Surgeon)
An analysis of Colorectal cancer in young age at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (2012). Advisor: dr. Maria Mayasari (Consultant of Digestive Surgeon)
Splenectomy in hematology disorder (2010). Advisor: dr. Benny Philippi (Senior Consultant of Digestive Surgeon)
Eosinophilic gastroenteritis (2009). Advisor: dr. Benny Philippi (Senior Consultant of Digestive Surgeon).
Bowel obstruction after Duhamel procedure (2007). Advisor: dr. Amir Thajeb (Senior pediatric surgeon)
Single stage robotic Total Mesorectal Excision : a stepwise approach. Journal of visualized surgery ISSN 2221-2965.