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dr. Firmansyah Muhammad, Sp.OT

dr. Firmansyah Muhammad, Sp.OT

Profil Dokter

Nama Dokter

dr. Firmansyah Muhammad, Sp.OT



  • Orthopedi & Traumatologi

Educational Background:

  • 2000–2007: Medical Doctor Faculty of Medicine University of Sam Ratulangi
  • 2011–2017: Orthopaedics and Traumatology Program Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia



  • 2004: Gambaran Karakteristik Tumor Ovarium di RSUP Manado Periode 1 Januari–31 Desember 2003

  • 2015: Constriction band syndrome; An efficient one stage release combining circumferential excision and Z Plasty

  • 2016: Perilunate dislocation: A case report

  • 2016: The management of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis with rod and screw correction manipulation (RSCM) technique: A serial cases

  • 2017: Morphometric cervical vertebra of indonesian population on dried specimen cervical vertebra


  • 2016: 3rd Winner of Final Paper Presentation on The 63rd Continuing Orthopaedic Education of Indonesian Orthopaedic Association (IOA) Palembang

Workshops and Seminar

  • 2016: Instructor of Workshop Strap, Splint, and Cast (STRICT)
  • 2016: lndonesian Hip & Knee Society (IHKS) Round Table Discussion, Yogyakarta
  • 2017: The 18th Grand Round VlusculoskeletalTumor Symposium and Workshop Surabaya
  • 2018: The 66'h Contonuing Orthopaedic Education (COE) of tndonesian Orthopaedic Association (lOA), Banjarmasin
  • 2018: The 6th Annual tVeeting ASEAN Society for Sports lVedicine and Arthroscopy (ASSA) combined meeting with The 6th Annual Meeting lndonesian Orthopaedic Society for Sport and ArLhroscopy (IOSStVIA), Sernarang
  • 2019: The 3th Congress and 7th Annual N,4eeting of lndonesian Orthopaedic Society for Sport and Arthroscopy ( IOSSIVIA), Jakarta
  • 2019: Comboined 6th Scientific tr,4eeting of lndonesian Hip & Knee Society (IHKS), Asia Pasific Knee Society (APKS) lVeeting, Asia Pasific lnfection Society (APIS) N/eeting, Yogyakarta
  • 2020: 8th Annual Vleeting IOSSIVIA Summit 2020 Webinar Series "All About Joint lnstability in Sports Injury Focusing on Patellofemorl a nd G lenoh umera I .loint"
  • 2021: 9th Annual tVeeting IOSSIVIA Summit 2021 Webinar Series
  • 2021: Micro Reconstructive Surgery. Small Things That lV]atters A Lot. Soft Tissue Coverage. Webinar Series
  • 2021: lndonesian Hip & Knee Society (IHKS) "All About Hlp & Knee From Basic Science to Clinic" Webinar Series

Lokasi Praktek

EKA Hospital Permata Hijau


09:00 - 12:00


09:00 - 12:00


13:00 - 16:00


09:00 - 12:00


09:00 - 12:00

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