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dr. Gibran Kashogi, Sp.BA

dr. Gibran Kashogi, Sp.BA

Profil Dokter

Nama Dokter

dr. Gibran Kashogi, Sp.BA



  • Spesialis Bedah Anak

Educational Background:

  • 2010: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Indonesia
  • ⁠2023: PPDS Ilmu Bedah Anak FK-KMK UGM Yogyakarta

Karya Ilmiah

  • Pediatric Patients with Mesenteric Cystic Lymphangioma: A Case Series, International Journal of Surgery, 2019
  • Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome Revealed Intestinal Intussusception in a Young Boy: A Rare Case, PIT PERBANI XXVIII Bandung, 2020
  • A Rare Case of H-type Rectovestibular Fistula With Normal Anus, PIT PERBANI XXIX Semarang, 2022
  • Splenic Cysts in Pediatric Patients: A Case Series, PIT PERBANI XXIX Semarang, 2022
  • Comparing Sedative and Non-Sedative Reduction Techniques in Pediatric Intussusception: Insights from a 6-Year Study, 4th ISCADB Yogyakarta, 2023
  • Prognostic Factors For The Survival Of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Patients After Surgical Repair in Dr.Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta, 2023

Pelatihan atau Workshop

  • 2024: Bandung, endolaparoscopy of Pediatric Surgery Workshop, PERBANI
  • 2023: Yogyakarta, ISCADB as participant, speaker oral presentation and committee
  • 2023: Bali, Kursus Bedah Laparoskopik Dasar (BSS II)
  • 2023: Bali, Kursus Bedah Definitif pada Penatalaksanaan Trauma (DSTC) dan Acute Care Surgery Course
  • 2023: Bali, Kursus Workshop Upper-Lower GI Endoscopy
  • 2023: Jakarta, PIT PERBANI as participant
  • 2023: Jakarta, Kursus USG eFAST
  • 2022: Semarang, PIT PERBANI Perioperative of Pediatric Surgery as participant
  • 2022: Semarang, PIT PERBANI as participant, speaker poster presentation

Lokasi Praktek

EKA Hospital Cibubur


14:00 - 16:00


15:00 - 17:15


15:00 - 17:15

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Jam Operasional Layanan Telepon 06:00 - 22.00 WIB

Layanan Booking Mandiri 24 jam via Website

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