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Dr. dr. Sonar Soni Panigoro, Sp.B (K) Onk, M.Epid, MARS

Dr. dr. Sonar Soni Panigoro, Sp.B (K) Onk, M.Epid, MARS

Profil Dokter

Nama Dokter

Dr. dr. Sonar Soni Panigoro, Sp.B (K) Onk, M.Epid, MARS



  • Spesialis Bedah Onkologi

Educational Background:

  • 1983 S-1 Universitas Indonesia Kedokteran Jakarta
  • 1992 Spesialis I Universitas Indonesia Ilmu Bedah Jakarta
  • 1992 Spesialis I FKUI Ilmu Bedah Jakarta
  • 1996 - PERABOI Bedah Onkologi Jakarta
  • 1997 S-2 Universitas Indonesia Magister dalam Epidemiologi Jakarta
  • 2014 S-2 Universitas Indonesia Manajemen Rumah sakit Jakarta
  • 2016 S-3 Universitas Indonesia Ilmu Kedokteran Jakarta

Video Edukasi Kesehatan - Kanker Payudara

Simposium / Seminar

  • 2021 : Pembicara/Nasional, Kuliah umum faktor risiko kanker & pencegahannya, FK Universitas Nusa Cendana-Yayasan Kanker Indonesia/ Nasional (7/M/21), Sertifikat
  • 2021 : Pembicara/Nasional, "Update on breast cancer management & The role of MD fraction as immunomodulator in cancer therapy, IDI Kota Bandung, daring/IDI (7/M/21), sertifikat
  • 2021 : Moderator/Nasional, Expanding the HR+/HER2-mBC evidence base with real-world data and real-world evidence, Jakarta/PERABOI (1/M/21), Sertifikat SK No. 0599/IDIWILJKT/SKP/VI/2021
  • 2021 : Panelis/Nasional, Webinar meet the expert dengan topik "DNA Damage response in breast cancer", Jakarta/PERABOI (1/M/21), Sertifikat
  • 2020 : Pembicara/Nasional, Webinar POI Jaya Knowledge Lecture Series-VIII, Virtual, Insonesia (7/M/20), Sertifikat


  • 2021 : Risiko dan Pencegahan Kanker : ditinjau dari sisi genomik dan non genomik, Universitas Indonesia Publishing https://perpustakaan.fk.ui.ac.id/opac/index.php?p=show_detail&id=26931&keywords=risiko+dan+pencegahan+kanker ISBN : 978-979-456-947-4, Anggota (4)
  • 2021 : Strategy for Diagnosing Breast Cancer in Indonesia during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Switching to Ultrasound-Guided Percutaneous Core Needle Biopsy Kesmas: National Public Health Journal, Volume 16, Nomor 3 (Q4 SJR 2020: 0,15), Anggota (6)
  • 2021 : The Association Between Triglyceride-Glucose Index as a Marker of Insulin Resistance and the Risk of Breast Cancer Frontiers in Endocrinology, Volume 12, tahun 2021, ISSN 16642392 online: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fendo.2021.745236/full, Peneliti Utama (18)
  • 2021 : Thyroid hemiagenesis associated with Hurthle cell carcinoma: A case report International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, Volume 86, tahun 2021, ISSN 2210-2612, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijscr.2021.106372 (Q3, SJR 2020 0,23), Anggota (5)
  • 2021 : Treatment delay of cancer patients in Indonesia: a reflection from a national referral hospital Medical Journal of Indonesia Internasional bereputasi dan berdampak (Q4 SJR 2020 0,16) (index Scopus) https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9446-4361, Anggota (8)

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EKA Hospital BSD


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