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dr. Albert Sedjahtera, Sp.PD

dr. Albert Sedjahtera, Sp.PD

Profil Dokter

Nama Dokter

dr. Albert Sedjahtera, Sp.PD




Educational Background:

  • 2012: Master by Research in Cancer, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle, United Kingdom
  • 2014: Medical Doctor, Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia
  • 2024: Internal Medicine Specialist, Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia


  • Tramadol Induced Hypoglycemia in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Patient: A Case Report. Presented in Jakarta Diabetes Meeting 2023
  • The Importance of the Timing of Tocilizumab Administration in Moderate to Severely Ill COVID- 19: Single Centered Experience Case series. Acta Med Indones –2021, volume 53 no. 3
  • Angka Kehamilan pada Pasien Lupus Eritematosus Sistemik Paska Pengobatan Siklofosfamid : Laporan Kasus Berbasis Bukti Presented in Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan Ilmu Penyakit Dalam 2019
  • Prevalence of Anemia and Its Impact on Length of Stay among Medically Ill, Patients in Labuha General Hospital, South Halmahera. Presented in Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan Ilmu Penyakit Dalam 2017


  • 6th best student in Clinical Year, International Class Program, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia 2014
  • Newcastle University International, Postgraduate Scholarship Newcastle University, United Kingdom, 2012

Training & Courses

  • 2023: World Thrombosis Day, “Move Against Thrombosis”, PP PTHI
  • 2023: World Cancer Day 2023 Scientific Symphosium, “Screening, Early Detection and Management of Cancer Focused on Breast, Cervix, and Lung”
  • 2022: The 3rd Jakarta Annual Collaboratove Cancer Meeting (JACCM) 2022
  • 2022: POI Jaya Knowledge Lecture Series XXII “Risk of VTE in Patients Associated with cancer”
  • 2022: Webinar Internal Medicine Point of Care Ultrasound (IMED-POCUS) Series: The Role of POCUS in the Management of Abdominal Disease
  • 2022: Webinar Novo Nordisk - PAPDI JAYA “Latest Breaking Clinical Trials From Co-Formulation Insulin”
  • 2022: POI Jaya Knowledge Lecture Series XX “Surgical Management of Advanced Cancer”

Lokasi Praktek

EKA Hospital Grand Family


08:00 - 12:00


08:00 - 12:00


08:30 - 10:30

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Jam Operasional Layanan Telepon 06:00 - 22.00 WIB

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