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dr. Ezra Ebenezer S, Sp.KJ

dr. Ezra Ebenezer S, Sp.KJ

Profil Dokter

Nama Dokter

dr. Ezra Ebenezer S, Sp.KJ



  • Kedokteran Jiwa (Psikiatri)

Educational Background:

  • 2007: Medical Doctor, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang
  • 2014: Psychiatry Resident, University of Indonesia, Jakarta


  • Member of Indonesian Medical Association (IDI), South Sumatra Region since 2007
  • Member of Indonesian Board Hypnotherapy since 2012
  • Psychiatric member of Indonesian Psychiatris Association (PDSKJI) since 2014
  • Wakil Ketua PDSKJI Cabang Sumbagsel since 2019
  • Member of Indonesian Early Career Psychiatrist since 2014
  • Member of Addiction Psychiatry Section of PDSKJI since 2015
  • Psychiatric member of American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry (AAPDP) since 2016
  • Psychiatric member of Young Psychiatrist Network (YPN) since 2016
  • Member of Forensic Psychiatry Section of PDSKJI since 2016
  • Member of Psychotherapy Section of World Psychiatric Association, Since 2017
  • Member of Indonesian Association of Biological Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology, Since 2017
  • Member of Ethical Committee of Ikatan Konselor Adiksi Indonesia (IKAI) (Indonesian Addiction Consellor Association) South Sumatra Branch Since Mei 2018
  • Member of perkumpulan konselor VCT/HIV AIDS: PKVHI Sumatera Selatan since 2017


  • Serial Workshop for Nurse, MD, Staff of Roman Catholic Charitas Hospital (RS RK Charitas) about: How to do effective communication (May-August 2015)
  • Seminar about Integrative Medicine in Treating Obesity, Specific Topic: Treating Psychiatric and Psychological aspect of Obesity, RS RK Charitas, Palembang (August 2016)
  • Seminar about Nowadays Challenge for Parent to Deal with Development of Technology (prevention and treatment for Internet Gaming Disorder), RS RK Charitas, Palembang (July 2017)
  • International Mens Day Awareness: Suicide among Men prevention. 16 November 2016 in RS RK Charitas, Palembang
  • World Health Day Campaign: Depression let's talk, April 2017 in RS RK Charitas, Palembang
  • Permanent Source person for biweekly radio program of 94,3 FM Sriwijaya Radio about Mental Health Promotion, Palembang from February-December 2016
  • Source person for a health radio program on April 2015 for Smart FM Radio. Topic: How do I know my mental status is fine?
  • Source person for a health radio program on July 2017 for Smart FM Radio. Topic: Internet Gaming Disorder
  • Television Program of I-News Television about a case of robbery impact to mental health of the victims Source person for two radio program on 2013 for Hard Rock FM Radio. Topic 1: Sexually transmitted disease. Topic 2: Talk About Mental Health
  • Seminar for General Practitioner: Treating Psychiatric Illness in Primary Care setting, August 2015 in RS RK Charitas
  • Workshop of physical and chemical restrain order for agitation patient, for nurse in RS RK Charitas 2015

Lokasi Praktek

EKA Hospital Permata Hijau


16:30 - 18:00


16:30 - 18:00


13:30 - 15:00


13:30 - 15:30

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Jam Operasional Layanan Telepon 06:00 - 22.00 WIB

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